Rose is specially trained in multiple modalities

  • Advanced myofascial release
  • Craniosacral therapy 
  • Muscle Energy Technique 
  • Orthobionomy 
  • Positional Release 
  • Precision Neuromuscular Therapy 
  • Rossiter Stretching 
  • Swedish Massage 
  • TMJD therapy

Any and all of these modalities may be used during your massage depending on your needs that day. 

Case Studies

A Case of Being Rear Ended

Two years ago, Tammy was involved in a car accident. Her car was hit from behind and she suffered a whiplash. Nothing was broken, but her neck never felt quite right after. She had almost daily headaches and recently her jaw started to catch and hurt.

Her physician sent her to a clinical massage therapist who released the muscles of the neck at the base of the skull in back. This made a dramatic difference in her chewing, her headaches and her neck. 

A Case of A Stiff Neck

When Ted’s wife, Anna, was in the hospital, his neck simply locked up.  He could barely turn his head.  The doctors said there was some arthritis in his neck, but he knew how frightened and  tense he had been feeling that he might lose her.  (Anna is fine now.)

He saw a massage therapist who was able to release and soothe the tight, sore muscles enabling him to turn his head again.